
The Last Plight
Ergreifende Kurzfassung zu dem noch nicht fertiggestellten Dokumentarfilm "The Last Plight" über das Schicksal der assyrischen und yezidischen Flüchtlinge nach der Einnahme der Stadt Mossul durch den IS. 

"Take a rare glimpse into the lives of the Assyrians and Yezidis after the ISIS attacks in Iraq. "The Last Plight" is an upcoming documentary about the humanitarian crisis in Iraq after the horrific terrorists attacks of the Islamic State (IS or ISIS) on Iraq's 2nd largest city Mosul and the Nineveh Plains. Their latest attacks on June 10th 2014 forced more than 1 million Assyrian Christians, Yazidis and other Iraqi minorities to seek refuge in the Northern region of Iraq. The historical geopolitical conflict between the different players in Iraq let Iraq's minorities pay the biggest price.

The film explores the causes and solutions to this mass exodus."

A Demand For Action
Globale Initiative zum Schutz der religiösen Minderheiten in Syrien und im Irak.
"A Demand For Action is a global initiative which seeks protection for Assyrians/Chaldeans/Syriacs and other ethnoreligious minorities in the Middle East. We came together in June 2014 from a dozen countries to pool our energy and resources into a unified international effort. Since then, we have expanded, with the tireless work of our members, reaching high profile media outlets such as Channel 4 in the UK, Fox News, Huffington Post in the US and Swedish Radio. Our lobby groups have met with parliamentarians in several countries, made a speech in the EU Parliament and have had meetings with the staff of President Barack Obama.

• Raise as much awareness as possible of the plight of Assyrians, Yazidis, and the other minority peoples of the Middle East facing ethnic cleansing.
• Contact and influence persons of importance — public figures, ministers, and politicians — to urge them to act .
• Establish a safe haven in the Nineveh Plains, Iraq.
• Support the creation of locally derived security forces within the Iraqi army, comprised of minority peoples."

Free Yezidi Foundation
Initiative zur Errichtung eines Waisenheimes in der Stadt Duhok im Nordirak.  
"As a result of ISIS attacks on the town of Sinjar and areas in the Ninevah plains, many Yezidi children lost their parents. For this reason, the first major project undertaken by the Free Yezidi Foundation is the establishment of the Free Yezidi Foundation Orphanage and Post-Trauma Center. The Center will be located in the city of Duhok and will cater to the many Yezidi children who have been left orphans because of the recent violence. In addition, the center will provide post-trauma care for children and adults suffering from the effects of the war. By providing nurturing and basic needs, including shelter, food, and medical attention, Free Yezidi will give these most vulnerable children a chance to live safe and healthy lives." (23. November 2014)
Gründerin der Stiftung Free Yezidi Foundation ist Pari Ibrahim (Parî Shêx Slêman Îbrahîm), die aus Duhok     stammt, jetzt in den Niederlanden lebt und unter anderem Redakteurin ist für das Nachrichtenportals Ezidipress (s. auch Fundraiser-Webseite auf und Bericht von dem Besuch von Pari Ibrahim bei den Vereinten Nationen bei Ezidipress).